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Hello! I'm Camilo Romero, an Informatics Engineer passionate about Network and Security Technologies. Originally from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, I spent my formative years in Barquisimeto, Venezuela, before embarking on a journey that led me to Eindhoven, Netherlands, in November 2020.

From June 2014 to November 2020, I lived in Porto Alegre, Brazil, where I gained valuable experience working for Teracom Telemática (also known as DATACOM) and Logicalis Brasil. These opportunities have allowed me to enhance my skills in implementing and maintaining network infrastructure, designing and configuring security solutions, and troubleshooting network issues.

In November 2019, prior to the pandemic, I embarked on the challenging effort of pursuing the CCIE Routing and Switching lab exam. While I'm not one to shy away from admitting setbacks, I must confess that my first attempt resulted in a non-passing score. With the exam content evolving, I remain dedicated to my preparation, confident that I will conquer the challenge one day.

Beyond my professional pursuits, I'm an insatiable traveler and photographer, driven by a deep-seated curiosity for exploring the world's diverse cultures and landscapes. Living in Europe has opened up a world of possibilities, allowing me to embark on countless adventures and capture captivating moments through my lens.

With my passion for network automation and my love for travel, I'm always seeking new challenges and experiences. If you have any network-related questions, feel free to reach out to me. I'm always eager to share my knowledge and expertise.

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